Hi, I’ve been away for awhile, and will be away again soon, but I’m here for the moment.
Unfortunately, I missed my chance to rant about Imus, and how ridiculous that whole thing was, didn’t talk about Scooter, or “the Surge,” illegal immigration, or any of about 15 other topics I’ve written about …mostly on paper … while I was gone.
But I do want to talk for a minute, while I have it, about a trend that disturbs me.
I’ve heard about five national politicians publicly say that they understand that the public feels a particular way, but they “don’t agree,’ and as a result, are going to proceed with some cockamamie plan of their own choosing that goes against what they KNOW is the will of the people.
This, friends and citizens, is the death of a democracy.
There's some basic shit in play here, and I encourage you to listen for it, and think about what you're hearing.
When the ruler of a group of people can do whatever he wants to do, he is a monarch. You can call him the king, or the pope, “dear Leader,” a dictator or any other title you choose … but he is a monarch.
Never mind POTUS G.W., this trend has started to pop up in a NUMBER of different places; McCain on 60 Minutes talking about the war, the various Senators discussing immigration, and how to protect the borders, etc. The point is, all of a sudden, these “leaders” are positioning their own opinions as being more important than the consensus thoughts of the country.
There is no way a person can “represent” a larger group of people by ONLY catering to his or her own opinion.
I thoroughly “get” that America isn’t a Democracy, it’s a Democratic Republic, which is to say that the masses select a smaller gaggle of individuals to represent them. The important word in that previous sentence is represent. And whenever those representatives, at any level feel obliged to literally ignore the consensus of the citizens they represent, they place themselves ABOVE our form of government.
This one isn’t just the jackasses, or the pachyderms … this seems to be a new thing with elected officials. And it seems a bit disingenuous to tout America’s greatness in the same breath that you use your position to ignore them.
So who’s YOUR king?
Missed you. Chat with you later.
Vote for Obama. Hillary believes that the government has to make choices for the citizens because the citizens can not make them for themselves. (I should be going to sleep, excuse errors on posts)
ReplyDeleteObama may be "worse than a dope dealer he's a hope dealer" but as I see it, some hope is better than none at all.
If GWB does not call off the next election there is still hope. Rudy G. from NYC was, I read a year or so ago, handpicked to take office after Bush. Skull & Crossbones frat pack (Kerry, Cheney and more).
If democracy is not dead Obama outlines his strategy for ending government corruption, but he needs the people behind him.