Swim Lessons:
When people ask me what I do, I tell them I’m a journalist.
It’s technically true, what I was trained to do, and the job I was hired for in my present career.
The truth is, at some point my bosses realized that they needed “an idea guy,” more than they needed an anchor/reporter on staff, and apparently my journalistic training … (namely the courage/stupidity to say pretty much what’s on my mind, tactfully enough to not be thrown out of the room, no matter who’s sitting at the head of the table) makes me just the man for that job.
The truth is, just about ALL of the people I have the privilege of working with could put “brilliantly flexible” at the head of their job qualifications.
But in spite of changing daily job requirements, if you ask most of us what we do, our answer will reflect whatever we were initially hired for.
Except Alex.
That’s his real name, and if you ask him what he does, or who he is … he never wavers.
“I make movies.”
I'd probably known him for a couple of years before I found out that in addition to the work I'd seen from him, he was editing a movie in his basement for which he was planning a public release.
I don’t concede that anyone in the universe writes a better news script than I do. After watching the trailer for Alex’s most recent documentary, I hope he doesn’t concede that anyone is a better movie-maker.
He asked me to blog about it, now that it’s hit Youtube.
I’m honored to do so.
I don’t know how to ask you to see this film yet, because I’m not sure the release details have been finalized.
But if you ever have the opportunity to see Swim Lessons, I ask you to take advantage of that opportunity. Alex has told me about the inspiration behind it. It’s a beautiful story, and I know his work enough to know that he's undoubtedly done a magnificent job of telling it.
I’m a big recommender of things. If you tried them all, you’d probably love about half of them. I can have weird tastes, sometimes.
YOU can see the trailer by clicking on the title of this blog. Please do.
I get to see the final draft of the movie next week ... I'll keep you posted.
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